Note from our founder
Birth doesn't always go as planned. I prepared for a vaginal birth and had so many supplies waiting for me at home, that I didn't end up needing or using due to my emergency c-section. That's why when I created our recovery care bundle, I made sure that all items were multi-use.

Peri Bottle
This is a postpartum must-have for perineal care. With an ergonomically angled spray designed for perfect aim—this is a major upgrade from the standard-issue hospital peri bottle.
Spray with witch hazel , or our brewed sitz herbs and pop in the fridge for a quick and easy padsicle. Made with organic cotton.

Essential no 3
Postpartum Underwear
Made of cloth-like breathable mesh that ensure your postpartum pad stays in place. These comfortable underwear stretch to accommodate your changing body. Although designed for short term use, they feel like regular underwear and can be washed many times.
Speed healing and reduce swelling with our organic postpartum herbal bath.
Use in a sitz bath, your peri bottle, or a regular tub. This herbal blend can also be used as a facial steam, because #selfcare.